Young Adult Novels
In a tiny Arkansas town, a young girl named Mary Lanham finds herself at the heart of an unfolding mystery. Her elderly father is hiding an artifact of great power, and dangerous people have come looking for it. Suddenly, Mary's ordinary, and rather boring, life is turned upside down. An ancient evil is awakened, and she finds herself in great peril.
"You will lose friends and family, you will lose everyone you've ever cared about." In the thrilling sequel to Mary of the Aether, Mary Lanham finds herself under relentless assault by her enemies, the Lookers. Her powers will be tested to the breaking point, as the Lookers wage a campaign of terror in the tiny town of Chesset, Arkansas.
After the events of Mary of the Aether and Mary of Shadows, Mary Lanham is on the run, desperate to stay one step ahead of the terrible Devourers who pursue her by the dark of night. Meanwhile, back in Chesset, her friends find themselves under attack by Lookers who want to use them as bait to draw Mary home.