In a tiny Arkansas town, a young girl named Mary Lanham finds herself at the heart of an unfolding mystery. Her elderly father is hiding an artifact of great power, and dangerous people have come looking for it. Suddenly, Mary's ordinary, and rather boring, life is turned upside down. An ancient evil is awakened, and she finds herself in great peril. As the danger grows, she learns the secrets of her past and discovers her true destiny, a destiny that will change everything for Mary, for her friends, and for their town.
"Absolutely brilliant! A pleasure to read!" Flamingnet Teen Book Reviews
"Warmly recommended for anyone who enjoys an exciting and well-written YA fantasy." Belle Books
"An instant attention-grabbing hit! With picturesque scenes and impeccably drawn characters." Arkansas Book Reviewer
The second volume of the Mary of the Aether Series
A brand-new edition AVAILABLE NOW!
"Another 5-Star fantasy of good versus evil, magic and mystery. His writing is flawless, detailed and picturesque!" -Arkansas Book Reviewer
The third volume of the Mary of the Aether Series
A brand-new edition AVAILABLE NOW!
"Mr. Miller did an incredible job with description, paying attention to the smallest detail. The story was fresh, the plot nicely paced, and the characters unforgettable!" -BTS Book Reviews Magazine
"A compelling fantasy with creative and refined detail in both plot and characterization...a true classic!" -Arkansas Book Reviewer
The fourth and final volume of the Mary of the Aether Series
"This is the conclusion to the Mary of Aether trilogy and it was my favorite book in the series! Sometimes the end of a saga or story series is disappointing, but I personally was transfixed by the events unfolding in this book." Amazon Review
"Jeffrey Aaron Miller is a wonderful writer who can take you to a fantasy world yet still keep you in touch with the real world and its own conflicts. Mr. Miller just has the knack or ability to create these other worlds that are mixed with our own world, and yet the issues of growing up in this world, poverty, and unpopularity, are intertwined with the lofty goals of the other world. There is so much in his storytelling to admire and to recognize for the youth of today. I find his writing and storytelling abilities to be fascinating." --Readers' Favorite
Hey Jeff-
I have some great writers in my class this year. High school, at-risk kids - some are very talented artists, some great writers. I wondered if you could send me a short story I could print that you think might interest them? Also, maybe come and talk to them one day?